5 fun Saint Patrick’s Day activities

Ayden Murray, Reporter

Everyone has been bored these past couple of months. Just sitting at home, watching tv, sleeping, or even doing schoolwork. It’s time that you should do something fun for once. Here are 5 fun activities to do that are Saint Patrick Day themed. 

1.) Make green drinks, it doesn’t matter what kind they are as long as they are green and taste delicious. Smoothies, milkshakes, slushies, you name it, if you can make it green then go for it. 

2.) Bake festive desserts, this could be green colored foods or traditional Irish desserts. Such as, soda bread, Irish apple cake, perfect apple crumble, and Irish shortbread. 

3.) Create a special playlist, you can listen to the classics or even modern hits. If you ever get stuck, you can search up a playlist to get ideas from on Spotify. 

4.) Plan a scavenger hunt, for fun with the whole family set up the house with shiny chocolate gold coins. Maybe even a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. 

5.) Plant shamrocks, Start a tradition of planting shamrocks every year, why not?! They are perfectly festive and last a long time. 

Those were my 5 fun activities you can do with friends and family this Saint Patrick’s Day. Remember to watch your back and wear some green so you don’t get pinched and have a great Saint Patrick’s Day this year everyone.