incoming ASB


Jovanna Beltran-Mier, Reporter

Now that 2021-2022 school year is coming to an end. And 2022-2023 school year to begin there have been students that have decided to run for President, Vice President, Senator and Representative for the next school year. And these are the students that will be representing these roles: 


President: Chase Washington  

Vice President: Dana Dungca  

Senator: Shilo Alamillo  

Representative: Tate Sherman  


President: Sam Cortes  

Vice President: Trista Osgood  

Senator: Deron Krannebitter  

Representative: Nemiyah Scott  


President: Omar Arroyo  

Vice President: Aiden Balatbat  

Senator: Richard Castaneda  

Representative: Oliva Barnes  

And of course, the incoming freshman’s class of 2026 will also get the opportunity to be able to run for these roles during the beginning of the next school year. These students will try their best to make students’ voices heard and to make the community of Lakes better. I interviewed Samuel Cortes asking them what he will be doing to help the school become better. And this is what he had to say:  

As Class President of the Junior Class I hope to not only make Lakes a better place for students but to also make students feel included at Lakes by making sure their voices are heard. My main goal as president is to be a good representative by being transparent with the students and by setting a good example for my peers. I can’t wait to continue being a part of Lakes ASB this upcoming school year!