Running Start


What Is running start? Running start is a great program for those that wish to complete college classes and attain an AA degree from a community college whilst attending high school. For the people that join this program it has great benefits. One of them being able to complete college level courses before graduating high school. Also getting an associate degree in a field of your choice.  

It is your decision whether you want to complete your high school program with a Lakes diploma which Is only for grade 12 or a Lakes diploma/Pierce AA which is for grade 11 or strictly for a Pierce AA/high school diploma though Pierce College which is for grade 11.  

Although this option is highly beneficial to a student’s future depending on whether it aligns with their goals or not, it seems to not be utilized by most students.  

There are many great benefits of Running Start. You get to experience college level classes and overall getting the opportunity to finish a couple of classes that are required for many colleges. Although it may be at times a small workload of assignments you are preparing yourself for actual college. By finishing the classes in Running Start that means that once you are in college you will not have to take those classes again because you have already completed them. Once you get into college you will not have to pay for those classes, making it less difficult to pay for the rest of your classes.  

Pierce college is not the only college that offers the running start program. Clover Park Technical College also offers a running start program. Clover Park and Bates Technical college mainly focus on the trades (plumbing, electrical, carpentry, etc.). The trades allow students to develop the skills as well as the certificates to be successful in their respective trades. 

To get into this program is quite simple. First complete the Admissions Application, then complete a test-the GSP test-to determine if you can handle college courses. Following the test, email the results to your High School counselor for the EVF (enrollment verification form), once handed the EVF complete your section and submit it to [email protected]