October 1, 2021
Your school spirit week is here. Through the week of September 27th – October 1st, you along with your fellow classmate will be responsible for having school spirit! This is an overly exciting week; the upcoming week has amazing themes in store for you, they are as follows:
Monday 09/27: Yeehaw Day Tuesday 09/28: Decades Day Wednesday 09/29: Tourist Day Thursday 09/30: Senior Citizen Day Friday 10/01: Orange and Blue Day
On Monday, “Yeehaw Day,” is the day the cowgirls and cowboys knock their boots!!! On Tuesday, “Decades Day,” is the day you pick a decade, and you bring it back to modern times!!! On Wednesday, “Tourist Day,” is the day you come dressed as a tourist, be creative, wacky, or silly! On Thursday, “Senior Citizen Day,” is the day you come dressed as if you were 65 years of age or older!!! And finally, on Friday, “Orange and Blue Day,” is the day you come dressed in orange and blue!!! Friday is also the homecoming football game, kickoff @ 7pm!!! FREE admission with ASB, $6 without!! Come on out and support your Lakes High School Lancers on the field 10/1
Currently, there are nominations for Homecoming Court and the top students and staff nominated will then move on and have students vote for them through election buddy on school emails. Unfortunately, Homecoming is different this year, as far as a Homecoming dance due to covid worries it looks like we might not have one this year sadly 🙁 ASB fought hard, but this does not mean we couldn’t have other dances in the future!
Please check out the Lakes High School ASB Instagram to see advertisements for the spirit days and other upcoming important days!!!