Mr. Kellcy

Jaheim Carter, Reporter

Mr. and Mrs. Kellcy

Personal bio of what you want our readers to know about you. 

I have been teaching at Lakes for 14 years (since 2007), I have been happily married for 20 years, and we have three kids. At Lakes, I teach World History, AP Human Geo, and I also coach Football and Track. 

What was it that teaching history and coaching football to high schoolers was a choice for you? 

I have always loved history, sports and working with young people. Teaching is a great career because I am allowed to be who I am, pursuing my career ambitions, and I get to have fun working with my students all day, every day! 

How is it teaching virtually? 

Not too bad, I enjoy getting to work from home, but I also miss getting to know new students, seeing you all in person, and seeing my coworkers. 

Are there any tips for handling stress during the pandemic that you’ve found useful? (Especially for students doing sports). 

Get outside, stay in contact with others, and get out…😊 

Knowing you coach football, how can you connect to your team on and off the field to help them succeed. In school and beyond its wall and area? 

We use TEAMS to meet and keep everyone up to date on the latest information, just like we do for our classes. 

Are you ok? (A self-help specific question) 

I’m doing pretty good, and I’m getting to spend more time with my family and getting things done around the house.         

In what way can we help you as a Lancer Family?

Say hi, keep in touch, send me emails (or other teachers/staff you know and care about). It is always lovely to hear from someone you haven’t seen in a while.