Q: Harrell, where did you grow up?
“I grew up in a small town I graduated with only 33 kids in my school. Since I went to such a small school, students had to participate in most activities in school, so mostly everyone was doing more than 1 extracurricular.”
Q: Harrell, what do you like to do for fun?
In Harrell’s free time she likes to cook, read, and do yoga.
Q: Cats or dogs?
“My favorite animals are cats. Cats are less needy than dogs, don’t get me wrong I still like dogs!”
Q: How is teaching life for you?
“I love being a teacher, I honestly can’t think of any other job I could’ve had besides teaching.”
Q: What do you teach?
“I teach culinary and independent living.”
Q: Have you experienced any crazy student stories?
*Chuckles* “No, but I do have a funny story that happened.
A couple of years ago two students got into a fight and I tried to separate them, but one of the students picked me up and physically moved me out of the way because I was his favorite teacher,
I have never stepped into a student altercation since, just because of that day!”
Q: Hey, Nanette Jiminez, I’ve heard that you and Robin Harrell have been close friends for a while, can you tell me more about that?
“Sure, we have been best friends since the early 90s and are now both teachers at Lakes High school.
We have a tight bond because of how we had kids around the same time and raised them together.
Q: What would you say are Harrell’s best traits?
Jimenez claims Harrell’s best traits are, “she’s got a great sense of humor, kind, giving, and she loves kids!”
Harrell has a great sense of humor and is always positive! She is kind, giving, and she is great with kids.”
All and all Harrell has lived a fulfilling and happy life and has more to come her way!