Earth day was first established on April 22, 1970, and now is an annual event to raise awareness about environmental issues and to promote conservations, people around the world participate in many different activities which include, clean ups, planting trees. and more.
Everyday should be earth day.
Why do the most on one day a year when doing something every day can lead to better and faster results and remember to teach young kids the importance of recycling and helping others.
Everyday actions you can do to help your community.
- Reduce, reuse, and recycle stop using plastic bags most stores have now remove plastic bags, don’t buy plastic water bottles and use a reasonable one.
- Conserve energy: not using a light? turn it off and save some money too, use light efficient light bulbs.
- Do not waste water.
- Clean around you, often when out on walks you might see some garbage try to pick it up and dispose of it properly not only will your community will look better, but you are reducing that garbage to end in the ocean, rivers, lakes. which is a big problem it hurts wildlife and can be harmful to humans.
Not sure what is recyclable? use this website to help you Multifamily Recycling | Pierce County, WA – Official Website (