Recently 32-year-old Twitch streamer Tyler ‘Ninja’ Blevins allowed us a glimpse into his personal health by putting out a statement talking about his melanoma diagnosis, along with the importance of getting skin checkups.
According to Mayo Clinic, “Melanoma is a kind of skin cancer that starts in the melanocytes. Melanocytes are cells that make the pigment that gives skin its color. The pigment is called melanin. Melanoma typically starts on skin that’s often exposed to the sun. This includes the skin on the arms, back, face and legs. Melanoma also can form in the eyes. Rarely, it can happen inside the body, such as in the nose or throat.”
Blevins discovered a strange dark mole on the bottom of his foot that struck a concern, to which a dermatologist wanted to have removed just to be careful. Doctors then removed this mole on his foot, “It came back as melanoma, but they are optimistic that we caught it in the early stages.” Blevins stated. Additionally, doctors decided to take a larger chunk of his foot surrounding where the dark mole was, in hopes that the dermatologists will see “clear non-melanoma edges.” Leading to the assumption that the melanoma was caught early and properly removed.
Ninja is hopeful that doctors and dermatologists removed the melanoma early on but urges his fans and viewers via X (formerly Twitter) to take control of their health. “As a PSA to get skin checkups.”