In “The Anthroprocene Reviewed” By John green, writer of “The Fault in Our Stars” John green reviews random everyday objects/life experiences 1-5 stars, and beautifully elaborates on them. here are some of my favorite quotes of this book, that have truly changed me and the way I see things.
1.) “We all know how loving ends. But I want to fall in love with the world anyway, to let it crack me open. I want to feel what there is to feel while I am here.”, John Green opens up with his struggle to allow himself to open up to the world and allow the world and its citizens to see him as he is instead of what he makes himself out to be, he introduces this as him being himself “uncoded”.
2.) “The Anthropocene is a story about how we made ourselves into gods, and then failed to be gods.”, I love this because it showcases the potential within human beings, and how although we could be everything and anything in this world, we allow society to tell us to choose something more realistic. for us to dream of the world in our hands is only acceptable when we are children, then we are taught that to take that chance when we are older is far too risky, and to play it safe. Find something more reliable.
3.) “He showed me that you could be crazy and still be human, still be valuable, and still be loved.” To be proved wrong after deeming yourself unlovable over something you may or may not be able to control its truly beautiful to hear that people were proved otherwise.
4.) “Grief is a series of tightly packed circles that fade over many years, like ink exposed to light.” John green constantly finds analogy’s that just blow my mind.
5.) “Our obsessive desire to make and have and do and say and go and get– six of the seven most common verbs in English- may ultimately steal away our ability to be.” After being told to live in the moment several times in my life but having such a hard time doing so from my fear of plans not going right, this perfectly put into words how these such things rob us of just purely existing.
6.) “For days now, my brain has refused to allow me to finish a thought, constantly interrupting with worries. Even my worries get interrupted- with new worries, or facets of old worries I had not adequately considered. My thoughts are a river overflowing its banks…”
7.) “Part of our fears about the world ending must stem from the strange reality that for each of us our world will end.” I’ve never thought about it that way, it’s true. we are beings that exist purely out of our ego, and we are scared because we don’t want our own world to end. Not outlying characteristics, but us.