Do you ever feel unsafe while driving in Lakewood? There has been a large quantity of car crashes as well as theft on the news with most of the car crashes ending with injuries or a fatality. On September 28th a recent incident that had occurred was a driver who was in no condition to drive, who was said to have been on drugs while driving his van, was going down a road going 85 on a 45 road when he had hit another car that had 4 people in it two adults and two children, killing two of the family members, a mother and the oldest child. The father and one year old child who were also in the car on the opposite side were treated in the hospital.
Another major problem that is not being dealt with is car theft. It started with people going by the name of “Kia boys. ” They use a flathead or any type of charger to break open the car and trigger it by breaking the key holes panel and using the charger to twist it to turn on. Numerous Kia’s have been stolen in Washington, with many crashed or left in a hidden area. Most people who have reported stolen Kia’s haven’t been been able to recover them, and if they have, they are often totaled. There have been many reports about stolen cars, but local police can’t locate the suspects nor the stolen vehicles due to many of the suspects wearing masks to cover their faces. The photo shows a Kia being stolen from Safeway after a lady left to go shopping when 3 unsuspected teenagers stole the lady’s car. When she confronted the 3 teenagers, they repeatedly yelled at her and attempted to hit her with the car in the video they showed the boy sticking out the window yelling “KIA BOYS”
Another incident occurred when a 2008 Dodge truck and a 2009 Honda Accord collided with enough force to split both vehicles in two. When the police arrived at around 2 am there were only two people who survived. Three other people died “Every parent worse nightmare” is what Ocean County Prosecutor Bradley D. Billhimer had to say about what had happened. The impact of the crash was so strong that the car that was hit split when it flipped over while the other car that was involved in the accident crashed into a metal pole injuring the 56yr old man who was driving. All these incidents that occurred recently shows why you should be careful when you drive anywhere in Lakewood.