On September 13rd, 2023, in Western Africa, the people of Mali were facing mayhem. Tuareg separatists have been attacking northern Malian cities causing Malian’s Junta (which is their military) to cancel their Independence Day festivities & send those funds to the victims of the attacks. The Tuareg Separatists continued to attack Mali in war as they targeted the Garrison city of Boram. Their military activity goes hand in hand with the Al-qaeda and coincides with the UN stabilization mission pushed out by Junta. After the violent attacks, it left Mali to deal a deep sorrow of poverty, malnutrition, and even death. If the Tuareg Separatists do win against the Malian government, spread of terrorism closer proximity to Europe, which is already mostly targeted by terrorists.
Mali’s Mayhem
October 2, 2023
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