In the art program at Lakes High School taught by our teachers Ms. Shiver, Ms. Lawson, Mr. Hughes, and Mr.Waeschle .This program allows our diverse group of students to reach their full artistic potential, in such classes like photography, glass class, AP studio art, and ceramics we are taught to allow our artistic voice to speak even when it comes to a risk that can make or break a project. We learn such things like how to trust that inner voice, how and when to take a leap, and how to communicate a message through art through more specific components like mediums, color, texture, and hue.
I asked a few of the passionate artists in Ms. Shivers current ap studio art class what they have learned from this class, or what has art taught them. One of our many artists, Kiyo Utter responds ” I have learned that feedback is important and having other artists around you can help you further develop a project.” in the surroundings of a group over about 7 artists where bonds are formed over the course of 1 year, we learn to critique one another, to improvise, to create and idea, and collaborate. In this room that overflows with creativity and knowledge we learn to turn something from nothing. Sometimes ideas “fail” and don’t turn out the intended way, we fix it, turn it into something new. Along with the help of our other fellow artists we are able to brainstorm new ideas, plans, and ways of thinking. Creating real and honest work. Heaven Quenzer then adds on and says, “I learned more in-depth information of the elements and getting to know the process of critiques, I also learned that ap studio art is useful if you plan on going to an art school because it gives you some knowledge of what to expect in college art classes.” while creating we are given any materials, we can imagine in order to create the piece we envision in our minds. During critiques we acknowledge how different mediums and techniques effect the overall message/story of a piece. In our studio art class, we are set with deadlines for a various number of pieces, we are there to produce our best work we are capable of making in the span of a few months. This quickly may overwhelm many, but with the help of our teacher Ms. Shiver she reminds us to let the art speak for itself and allow ourselves to breathe.

I then spoke to two of the past artists who’ve previously taken the studio ap studio art class, Lindsey Hagman, and Ezra Lay. Lindsey notes “What I learned from the art program was that being connected with other people that truly enjoy art, makes creating and talking about art much easier. Art is so diverse but it’s hard to be open with diversity until there is a safe enough place to share it. Being able to open up about who you are and your art without glares or whispers. Art is about you.”, the honesty that comes with being an artist allows you to loosen up, it allows true colors to show through and speak for itself. Especially in a class where you’re constantly worrying about the next project, next idea, how its conveyed and how you’re going to go about the semantics of it. Art can be anything you want it to be, it speaks for itself, and allows things to be told. Lindsey then adds, “Basic fundamentals are going to carry you! Focus on them even though it is boring sometimes. Jumping to the hardest thing that you’ve never done before isn’t going to work. Build yourself up.”, quickly we learn in life that practice makes “perfect”, in art we learn that starting small and working your way up is always the way to go. It allows growth and room to flourish artistically. Ezra Lay, also one of the former students of the art program describes this program as “an opportunity to experiment and learn to use various mediums”, with the several mediums we are exposed to in the beginning of our high school art careers we take exploring art. In this we expose ourselves to embroidery, glass, ceramics, charcoal etc. Ezra replied, “I was able to challenge myself more creatively”. Over time we learn to figure out what we favor; Our likes and dislikes, to find our overall style and technique that enhances our final pieces allowing more and more possibilities to build onto itself.
The Aquarium Of Wonders By Shaylee Irons
Dana Rose Dungca • Oct 12, 2023 at 9:02 pm
I always enjoy seeing the arts that Lakes students create and display!! Absolutely amazing.
Ezra • Sep 11, 2023 at 4:39 pm
I love this!!! The art program at lakes needs be talked about and shown off more!!!!