Controversy in Lakewood

The old theater in the Colonial Plaza, Lakewood.

Erin McDowell

On the intersection of Gravelly Lake Dr and Motor AVE at Colonial Plaza, there is a new art instillation, two gateway arches. This instillation was an art grant for $140,000 in 2021. The idea that was ultimately picked was the gateway arches with 112 Lakewood residents “stories.”  On social media someone posted about three different stories written on the arches that did not follow the positive message meant to be sent in this art instillation. The three quotes that the artist John Fleming had to remove where related to Nazi’s and some other inappropriate stories and quotes.

Residents of Lakewood are asking how these quotes were able to be put on this instillation. All of the quotes had to go through the city to be approved. So, what happened? The artist of the instillation removed the quotes but sates that all other quotes have a positive message as intended.