Buff Puff!!!

March 2, 2023
March 3rd is the annual buff puff boys’ volleyball tournament. This tournament is between junior and senior boys only. This year’s theme is blue and orange. If you are cheering for the seniors wear orange and if you are cheering for the juniors wear blue! The game starts at 7pm and tickets will be going on sale at all lunches starting at $5 or pay $7 at the door.
Competing on the junior’s team we have DK Krannebitter, Damoni Guinyard, Jonathan Augarius, Geovannie Moses Neima Melander, Gideon Evarts, Aiden Balda, Drayko Rosario, Yavier Medina, Faatui Mauga, Chris Filiaga, John Kristian Dela Cruz Mago, Olivares Joseph, Jacob Malo JR, Khaleo Shiro.
Competing for the seniors we have, Aiden Balatbat, Chayanne Fonoti-Savea, Ezra lay, Mason Scarlett, Rodleyson Salvador, Zechariah Faagau, Micah Kim, Aslan Fraser, Matai Sarte, Josh Alves, Cameron Ricker, Leo Pulalasi, John Park, Kenneth Tantiongco, Chance Shungu, and Matae Feso.
On the lakes announcement’s there were 12 votes seniors would win and 2 votes juniors will win. Do not forget to wear your teams color you want to win! Anyone is welcome to come and bring friends! This game will be held in the main gym. We hope to see you all there!