Martin Luther King Jr. Day

January 13, 2023
This year Martin Luther King Day is Monday, January 16th. Hes known for his nonviolent protests for African American civil rights. He was criticized by other activists for being nonviolent and questioned with his actions when it came to these protests. One of those activists being Malcome x who fought for black nationalism “by any means necessary.” Martin Luther king didn’t think that way though, He believed that nonviolence protests would cause change and end racial injustice. He went to jail for the dream he was fighting for, for all of us now to be equal. His death broke out Rallies, Riots and Protests. The people that believed in the dream for equality protested for change. After a week of people demanding for change President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the fair housing act, which is sometimes called the civil rights act of 1968. The fair housing act consisted of an opportunity for housing no matter the religion or race. They also made it a crime if you threatened, injured, forced, intimidated, or interfered with anyone because of their race, color, religion, or national origin. Martin Luther King’s legacy should always be honored and rightly represented. Without his act of nonviolent protests and speaking against acts of injustice and racism we probably wouldn’t have received the change and progression for not just African Americans but any race that were struggling with racial injustice. He fought for change in the best kind of way and motivated people to do the same. And him advocating and fighting for equality changed so many people’s lives.
“Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.”
-Martin Luther King Jr