Difference between Danish and American School System

December 12, 2022
The differences between American and Danish schools are huge. The Danes Have only 10 years of required school and America has 12. This is because the Danes have an academically harder and longer school day than Americans. Most Danes do decide to continue their education because it is free. The reason The Danes are able to offer free education because it is socialist country which simply said means you pay a lot of taxes but the government gives a bunch of perks as free education, dental- and health care really nice government buildings. The schools themselves are very different too. The biggest reason being that in American high schools the teachers have their own classroom and the students travel from classroom to classroom. The Danish students have their own assigned classroom were they stay the entire day. This also means that they are with the same 25 people everyday but are allowed to go into other classrooms. If I had to chose either the Danish or American school system, I would definitely choose the Danish school system. This really comes down to personal preference but I personally enjoy simplicity and more independent Danish school system.
David Osgood • Oct 13, 2023 at 7:50 am
Wonderful article!
David Osgood • Oct 12, 2023 at 9:06 pm
Wonderful article! I love how Danes get free education and healthcare. I think I would pick the Danish school system too.