Exchange Students

Hans Bruun, Reporter

The foreign exchange program at Lakes Highschool now has 5 new foreign Exchange students, and one of them is me. We have a variety of students from different countries, which are 3 from Italy, 1 from Denmark and Japan. The process of becoming an exchange student is a long and hard to get into. You must go to multiple interviews with and without your parents. The details may vary from exchange program to exchange program. The requirements for being an exchange student with my program are a B+ average and fluent in English or at least close to it. You are not allowed to have a boyfriend or take any sort of nicotine. The 4 main rules when you are on your exchange are the 4 D´s, which are Drinking, Dating, Drugs and Driving. These are all forbidden and if you get caught doing any of them you will be sent home immediately. 

 The difference between My home country (Denmark) and America are significant. The biggest difference being the school system. I personally think that the Danish system is better because in Denmark the students have their own classroom, and the teachers move around. The academical level is also higher in Denmark. Most of the exchange students agree that school is easier here than in their home country.