First Volleyball Game of the Season!

Tough Match Varsity Volleyball Game, First home game of the season.
September 14, 2022
This past Tuesday, we had the opportunity to compete against Timberline High School for our first home volleyball game of the 2022 season. C-team, JV, and Varsity were all up for a tough match. Timberline was some real competition, and both schools put up a good fight.
To begin, Timberline ended up arriving over thirty minutes late due to a bus situation. The game, which was supposed to start at 5:45, was now pushed back a few minutes for JV and C-team as they were supposed to have already begun. C-team ended up only having time to play one set to 25 points, which also was not able to be finished. The “final” score turned out to be 24-25 for C-team. It was an eventful and great game although it was cut short.
At the same time as C-team, playing in the main gym was Junior Varsity, more commonly known as JV. They played 2 short sets to 15. Timberline won both sets but only by a small amount. Many great passes, amazing sets, and fantastic communication. So much effort was put into that game and there are so many ways to improve and become better.
At 7 pm, the moment everyone was waiting for, the varsity match was warming up for their first non-league match of the season. The first match was a tough, fighting long and hard, Timberline pulled the win with a score of 25-22. But for Lakes this was not the time to give up. There were still 4 possible matches and opportunities to take the win, these Lancers were not ready to be finished. The upcoming match was an outstanding competition with the winner being Lakes, the score being 25-17. With an even number of wins, the stakes are extremely high and it is an even playing field. After 2 more match losses, unfortunately Timberline went home with a win of 3-1 sets. These varsity girls are extremely hardworking and played hard until the very last point.
All 3 teams did fantastic and put their all on that court. Everyone played amazing and is improving each day. Go Lady Lancers!