21-22 Journalism signing off


Emily Smith, Reporter

Journalism has been a great experience, lots of fun, and minimal stress. Taking this class allowed me the opportunity to get to know the people, programs, and teachers of this school. While it gave me the time to learn more about what Lakes is all about, it showed me the importance of sharing what I’ve learned. The reporters of Lakes worked hard to produce at least 2 stories for you a month, giving Lancers the opportunity to learn more about not only their school community but also the community that surrounds them outside of school. Activities to do outside of school, activities that are hosted by fellow students, and teachers. Some for more learning opportunities, and others to have fun and relax. Writing about sports was always difficult for most because trying to sum up an entire season was always so hard, because our Lancers always do so good. Being apart of the adventure was really fun, and an amazing experience. Congratulations to our senior reporters, Seniors helped throughout this entire year, carrying this class for most. Our seniors had great ideas, this class required good communication between everyone in case of accidentally recreating the same article, as well as some reporters having writers block. Finding a good article to write was always the most difficult part, because part of finding a good topic, is to hopefully suite your main audience, making it hard to support everyone’s best interest.