Young Educated Ladies Leading(Y.E.L.L) Summit

Aundrea Gresham, reporter

On May 14th young women of color from high schools all over Western Washington are going to Highline college to attend a summit for Young Educated Ladies Leading (Y.E.L.L). This is an opportunity for female POC to connect and achieve the following goals, to give us the opportunity to critique social structures that inhibit black/brown young women from being successful in education, to highlight the achievements despite the obstacles/barriers that we face, and to contextualize our self-identify socially, culturally, historically, and politically by giving us a sense of self and value of self. If you are a woman of color attending Lakes and have not heard about it or gotten your permission slip, visit Miss A. in room S224 or email her @[email protected] and get your slip turned in by May 5th. On May 114th we will meet at Clover Park High School at 7:30 am and take the bus to Highline College and will be returning around 2:30pm. Come join us and learn more about what young WOC can do when we come together!