Asian Pacific Islander Club (APIC)

Close up of pink frangipani

Mariah Potoa'e, Reporter

Asian Pacific Islander Club is a club that presents both Pacific Island and Asian culture. The club gives everyone a chance to learn the culture, history, ETC. but it also gives people the chance to get to know each other, play games, sing songs, play volleyball, and over all just have fun. In fact, something that APIC is going to be presenting to the school on March 30th is a traditional Samoan dance called “Siva Samoa” and it will be in honor of the seniors. The girls in APIC that have chosen to be a part of the dance have been working hard these past few weeks to make the dance the best that it can be. The club also recently sold musubi’s at a school event called buff puff, an event where junior & senior boys play volleyball while being coached by the varsity senior girls from the Lakes volleyball team. All in all, APIC is a unique club and is welcoming to any and every one that wants to join! Asian Pacific Islander Club takes place on Tuesdays at 2:15 in room P126 aka Mrs. Cushman’s room. If you decide to join this club, please remember to come with an open mind and be respectful. Go lancers!