Dealing with semester stress
January 13, 2022
With the second semester coming in around 3 weeks trying to make up assignments for classes at the last minute can be stressful leading to some students feeling like they don’t have enough time to get retakes or late assignments in and end up giving up and sticking with the grades they have, but the grades that are summited are much more important than the quarter grades because they get put into the transcript. Which decides if you passed or failed, and you get the credit. Even though mental health should be a priority, trying to keep a balance is just as important. Some ways to keep a healthy balance between work and your mental health are to make a schedule of work times with breaks in-between trying to prioritize classes that have greater importance, like core classes and ones with a lower grade such as F, D, C, etc. you should also focus on the assignments that have higher percentages, so you don’t have to do all the small assignments and the grade doesn’t go as high as you’d like.
But you should remember to take breaks, breaks give you a mental rest so you can get back to work with more focus and energy, without breaks you just end up over working yourself, leading to burn out. Some things you can do are go have a snack, keep your energy going, talk to someone like friends or family just to get away from the computer because staring at a screen could remind you of the work you could be doing instead of relaxing. Then you can get back to work feeling energized
And don’t feel that you’re alone. asking for help from a teacher, friend, or family, they’re here to help you and lower your workload, making it easier to control the situation and encouraging you. Tutors are also a great way to help you, tutors help you with a certain subject so you can get a better understanding of it and make the work easier. And when it comes to doing the work, having a clear space with no distractions is a way to keep focus on what’s important, turning off your phone or other distracting electronics helps with getting sidetracked. And telling guardians or family members that you’re trying to get work done so hopefully they don’t distract you. Now with all distractions gone you can finally work peacefully, maybe with some music or podcast you enjoy listening to while getting work done. Remember not to overwork yourself and know you tried your best, now you can do better for the next semester.