Steilacoom High School Sexual Assault Allegation

Stephany Hernandez, Reporter

Schools should be a safe place and most of the time it isIn recent and rather disturbing news, allegations of a Steilacoom High School teacher, Eric Garret, sexually harassing a former student have come to white this week. During the 2018-19 school year, Garret allegedly slid his hand under a student’s skirt, squeezed her inner thigh and told her “Good Job”The former student, now 19, filed a lawsuit against both the school district and Garret in July of 2021. Arguing that the district should have reported the allegations to law enforcement, as a mandatory reporter, as soon as she reported the incidentThe district claims the touch was “non-sexual” and did not see a reason to report to the authorities. Now two years later, they are left to deal with it once again.  
Throughout the month of November, numerous students spoke out on the incident through social media and the newsAnd on November 10th students from Steilacoom High School organized a walk out and protested their outrage with the school districts disregard to the safety of its students by keeping Eric Garret employed. Some students prepared a speech to read out to the rest, others had posters. Some were angry and others were in tears. How did this happen, were there any warning signs? Is this happening more often or are students willing to speak out more and are no longer afraid? Students should not have to fear their teachers and ignored by the system. As of this writing, Garret is on Administrative leave.