Graduation for Lakes High School

Courtney Volavka, Reporter

It is official!  Lakes High School announced there will be an in-person graduation at the Tacoma Dome on June 10th.

Seating will be limited due to Covid-19 guidelines and there will be two sections for the graduation, one section will be for people who are fully vaccinated, and the other section will be for people who are not vaccinated. To sit in the vaccinated section, you will need proof of vaccination.

For people ages 2-15 years old, they would need proof of a negative Covid-19 test that is taken within the past 72 hours (3 days). For people who have received 1 shot of the  vaccination but not the other, will be denied entry to the vaccinated section because they are not considered to be fully vaccinated.

Students and Families can also participate virtually in the graduation if they wish to. This event will be the first hybrid graduation for Lakes High School. Many high schools are now having in-person graduation ceremonies, however there are a few high schools that are not having live graduation ceremonies in order to keep people safe and healthy.