Mr. Niva’s Land Of Ideas
March 23, 2021

William Niva is a Lakes Writing For College Teacher, a motorcyclist, student of psychology, political, Aikido, Zen martial artist, and a father of two and married.
Advocate for motorcycle safety and awareness for those on or off-roading with everyone’s safety in mind.
“For English and writing, it just happens to be the land of ideas.”
Straight from college Niva started as a social worker and was once a member of a street outreach program for five years, working alongside troubled youths experiencing poverty, household issues, and sexual exploitation of young children who resided in a multi-family dwelling situation. “You build trust, and you’re in these strange environments.”
“Rural kids are the invisible homeless.”
Mr. Niva feels that the broad base of a social collapse at the education system in America we’re facing through these multilayered issues affects school at large.
“Then you have this online thing, and I think that at some levels, most people have been traumatized in some way by this covid condition that we haven’t experienced before.” Being an utterly depressing time for people, especially those who work in education, being a physical, emotional, and mental thing.
“Who am I, and how do I be a human being.”
How do we touch whatever freedoms we have as humans without laws, social norms affecting our development as an individual?
“Let me make you valuable to a market culture, and then you can be somebody. That’s a very modern limited idea.” Birthday candles represent that a human has a spirit of genius with a direction woven into yourself as that is what makes you unique and gifted then we all have something to give.
As we face adversity during this period of difficulties in learning and living, self-awareness is essential. Just be reminded you’re gifted, someone of importance not only to yourself but those who reside in your atmosphere of loved ones.
Mr. Niva is a teacher who seeks to develop young adults with dreams of their own in efforts of his past endeavors with social work.