WWE Legend Pat Patterson Dies at age 79

Desmond Kabia, Reporter


It was a tragic day for the entertainment world when the news broke on the 2nd of December that Pat Pattersowas dying. Patterson was an American Canadian professional wrestler who was the first major wrestler to announce his homosexuality. He was famous for the first WWE intercontinental Champion and creator of the Royal Rumble match. He was also the oldest person to ever win a title in WWE history, after winning the WWE 24/7 Championship at 78 years old. Patterson was born on January 19th, 1941 in Montreal, Canada. He died in Miami Florida due to a liver failure at the age of 79. Obviously, this is devastating news. Another tragedy with a year full of many of them. Patterson will be remembered not only what he accomplished in the ring, but out of the ring as well with the impact he has had on others.